IPN Award Winners 2024

We were thrilled to win the BOI Payment Acceptance (BOIPA) Innovation & Service Development (Chain) Award at the Irish Pharmacy Awards at the end of May for our dispensary software, DispenSense. The awards took place on May 25th at the Clayton Hotel Burlington Road and was a fantastic evening all round.

A huge well done to the fantastic team behind DispenSense for this award, always ensuring our customers are supported and developing new features continuously.

Accepting the award on the night were the DispenSense team; John Carroll (CEO), Jean Tomkins (Sales), Siobhán Kellett (Health & Wellness Manager), Maria Lettice (Trainer), Jessica Melia (Ops Manager), Sarah Whelan (Product Owner), Susie Morrissey (Customer Success Executive & Trainer), Joey McNamara (Sales) and Deirdre McLoughlin (Deployment Manager).